There will be no Christian Education Hour today, February 16. Our Worship Service will begin at 10:15AM.

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Last time we looked at the second chapter of Luke’s gospel where the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will conceive in her womb and bear a son (Luke 2:31).

Previously, we looked at Job chapter nine in which Job asked the question: “But how can a man be in the right before God?” (Job 9:2b). At the end of the chapter, Job reaches this conclusion to his question: “For he is not a man, as I am, that I might answer him, that we should come to trial together. There is no arbiter between us, who might lay his hand on us both.” (Job 9:32-33)

At the end of the eighth chapter of the book of Job, Bildad attempts to offer the suffering servant of God some hope: “Behold, God will not reject a blameless man, nor take the hand of evildoers” (Job 8:20).